International academic conference
on Equitable Education: All for Education
The aim of this project is to reach the target group that has not yet been reached. That is the children lack the opportunity for another 5-10 percent of the country that have not received educational equality. If a new method is not used to solve the problem, the original problem still remains. This project is organized to find new ways of working with the cooperation from all parts in making ‘ Declaration on Education for All ‘ (Education for All). The basic goal is for all countries to recognize that the right to education is a fundamental human right. The government must provide an inclusive, equal and quality education. This educational equality is one of the 4th and 17th Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to meet the Global Goal for education by 2030.
The main goal is for related agencies both domestic and international education to understand the duties and operational guidelines of the Equitable Education Research Institute (EEFI) and to create a collaborative network of common goals along with a collection of success lessons, innovation in creating educational equality both domestically and internationally for practical use, helping to define strategies for achieving goals and helping to create educational equality at the local, national and international levels.